New Years in Pura Vida

We welcomed in the New Year in Style in Costa Rica!  Dinner with friends, in bed by 1000pm ☺

The beginning of a “New Year” brings about a time for reflection, goal setting, making of plans, and the ever popular “New Year’s Resolutions” (or “Resoluters” as my friend Ron always used to say)  It is a time of renewal. A time to evaluate the past years goals (I hope you had some) and to ponder and set new goals for 2023.  “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Something like 92% of all “ New Year’s Resolutions” are broken by Jan 31 (or sooner). Why is this so? Why do we set goals and break them so quickly? Why even set them?

I believe the answer is simple. “Simplify Simplify” ( as the Critic of Henry David Thoreau comment said….”One simplify” would have sufficed Ralph Waldo Emerson ☺

Instead of setting such BHAG’s (Big Hairy Audacious Goals), keep them simple and attainable. Make them SMART Goals (Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed)

Don’t say I am going to run 5 miles a day, when you have been a couch potato for the past 5 years. Start with walking a mile 3-4 times a week. Don’t say I am going to pray for 30 minutes a day when the last meaningful prayer time you had was 42 years ago in 5K Sunday School. Start with 3-5 mins a day, again 3-4 times a week.

Setting goals should be fun, challenging and encouraging, not guaranteed failure.

Small victories over time, become large victories in your lifetime!

“Pura Vida” Jan 2023

(Oh yea, My bride of 29 years and I spent New Years Eve with Scotty and Kim Bearden (Driscoll). She and I have been friends since 1978)

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