Category Leadership and Business

Entrepreneurship – Effective Leadership

Entrepreneurship is a popular subject in our modern society. Having “rock solid” habits can help with the success of any business. Another important habit is effective leadership. Leaders are often responsible for creating a positive work environment, ensuring team members…

Exploding vs. Imploding

How to leverage today’s market conditions for growth while elevating your team. 2020 brought changes the world has never seen, and we are confident we will never see again! The facts of 2022 and into 2023 are overwhelming in the…

Selecting a Winning Combination

Outsourcing, insourcing, off-shoring, remote/virtual workers; the popularity continues to grow. Market conditions in the USA continue to evolve and sourcing in-office team members has proven to be a difficult process given the lack of quality resources and the shift upwards…

Merging Technology with Remote Teams

Utilization of technology and artificial intelligence continues to accelerate at a rapid pace in the dental industry. This trend will continue with the objective to solve problems while decreasing human intervention. Most technology is cost effective and beneficial; however, we…

Africa on the Rise!

Choosing the best outsourcing destination has become a strategic decision for businesses. In order to reduce overhead and operational costs, small to medium business owners are turning to outsourcing their tasks, and Africa is fast becoming an outsourcing destination of…

From Dream Team To Reality

Ready, Set… We often need help like yesterday, but the “traditional” time from job outline to onboarding can be a time consuming and arduous task for even the most experienced people. Adding a Virtual Team (VT) member to your organization…

More Time!

More time is what we all desire as Managers, Business owners, CEO’s and entrepreneurs. The use of Virtual Teams (VT) and Outsourcing is one of the most effective ways to grow your business, elevate your existing team, and find you…

Distracted from success

We are inundated with interruptions “disguised as opportunities” every day. They keep us distracted from that “ONE THING” or the “BIG GOAL” we are looking to conquer! Here are a few of mine, yours may be similar; Smart Phones That…

Lucky Charms

Lucky Charms April 18, 2020 Who doesn’t like Lucky Charms cereal? But there is a correct process to eat a bowl. I have been enjoying this “highly nutritious” breakfast delicacy since I was beating spoons and spilling milk in my…

Dream Team

Surrounding yourself with the right friends and business associates is key to running a successful business and running your life! In my personal life, I strive to have my inner circle consist of those who mirror the image of the…