Dream Team

Surrounding yourself with the right friends and business associates is key to running a successful business and running your life!

In my personal life, I strive to have my inner circle consist of those who mirror the image of the characteristics of who and what I strive to attain in life. The “FAB 5” traits I look for are;

Goal Oriented
Love to laugh
Love family/spouse
And most of all, Love Jesus

By keeping our inner circle to a small number (I would recommend 3-5) we can surround ourselves with friends who will encourage us to be the very best we can be.

In business, it’s imperative we assemble a “Dream Team” that will help us to fill the void of skills sets we do not possess, or we under-perform. My “Dream Team” leverages me where I am not proficient;

Operations (details/systems)
Human Resources

To hire additional team members(staff) and resources to run a successful business can put severe strain and stress on our financial resources. However, without more help it can keep the pressure on other team members (and us) to be over-worked and perform in areas we are not skilled.

To achieve our companies objectives, we have turned to “Insourcing”. These are qualified personnel who become full time, high performing members of “Your Team”, thus enabling you to “elevate” your current team and ”leverage” your growth. They are;

University Educated
Speak the “Queen’s English”
Work same hours as you
No Contracts
Saves you up to 70%

Check out GlobalBPsolutions.com and see how to make your “Fab 5” into a Dream Team!

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