Living like it’s the Two Minute Warning
In American Football, the “Two Minute Warning” is the period of the final two minutes of the first and the second half. It serves as both teams notice that the “end” of the half, or the game, is near.
Typically, the whole game changes. The strategy changes, the teams move faster, and they play with much more “reckless abandon” than they will the other 85% of the game. No huddle, move quickly, take chances, throw deep, and play like there is “no tomorrow.” Crazy, but the defense plays soft, plays on their heels, and BIG PLAYS can, and usually do happen. It is a period of heightened urgency, focus, and risk-taking!
What if we lived our lives like we were in the Two Minute Warning of our lives? What if we quit playing it safe and instead lived like there was no tomorrow?
Take Risks
Most of us have no definitive timeline on how long we will live. The “average” life span is “80 Summers”. But what if that is just what we believe? What if we change the narrative? My plan is to live to 135, which means I’ll see the 20th, 21st, and 22nd centuries. With this plan, I must continue to take risks and DREAM BIG!
Live Adventurous
As I see the start of my seventh decade begin, I want to live more adventurously. I have been fortunate to travel around the globe, yet I have visited less than 50 of the 200+ countries in the world. Dang that’s Low! I want to climb five of the seven highest peaks, learn ballroom dancing, sing in front of 100+ people, skydive, see Antarctica, run another Ironman after 60, fly around the world, step foot on all seven continents, run a half marathon every 2 months until I am 134, and sail the high seas! You can see, that my “Bucket List” is quite large!
Love Unconditionally
The people around us are more important than anything we can buy, see, or experience. I am fortunate to have my sweet mom still here and she is about to enter her tenth decade. I strive to speak to her every day. My BRIDE! We have been married 31 years, and I am more in love today than in 1994. My kids, my relatives, and my friends are all important. Learn to love like Jesus. Unconditionally and with grace.
It’s all about the DASH
“1965 – 2100”
This is how my tombstone will read. The birth year and the death year are important, but what is most important is the DASH! We all have an opportunity to make an impact. We can change the world one person at a time. We can leave a legacy on our family, friends, and those we work around each day. Personally, I want everyone I meet to see JESUS in me and to be an example and a model for Christ!
Live every day, every minute, and every moment like you are in the Two Minute Warning of the game. Life adventurous and with reckless abandon!
Lord Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore.
Sir Francis Scott Drake – 1577