Category Faith and Family

Running Again by Scott Fitts

A Journal of training and running with Parkinson   Preface Finally a race.  After over a year of waiting for Covid to settle down, Ft. Worth’s Cowtown Half/Full Marathon offered a delayed race on May 8, 2021, which is normally…

Consistency – The Key to building Mind, Body and Spirit

When asked how he defined greatness, Hall of Fame linebacker Ray Lewis said “Greatness is a lot of small things done well. Day after day, workout after workout, obedience after obedience, day after day.”    Greatness isn’t an event. It…

Dress To Impress

First Impressions make a difference, so make it unforgettable.   Dressing up used to be inevitable. When Sunday rolled around, I pulled on our best for church with our white “Payless’s best” dress shoes, 3 hole white belt, vest with…

Samsonite Luggage and a Whole Lotta Jesus

J.W. Oliver Jr. I am old enough to remember the trusty and time-tested Samsonite suitcases before they had wheels. I was quite young at the time but can still see my dad and mom “lugging” those suitcases around and slinging…

Seek Service and Gratitude, Not Success!

Birthdays! As a Youngster we look forward to the party. Middle age we are mostly ambivalent. Past 50…are you sure it’s time for another one already? But maturity does bring a new revelation to our lives, it focuses on “what…

Mom’s and Grandma’s Molding Young Men Too

  Definition of a Unicorn: “Not common, not ordinarily encountered. Unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind.” While my focus is on young men and the influence of male role models, it is important to recognize the…

Behind Every Man….

Behind Every Man….Is an AMAZING Wife! I have no hard data, nor do I care or need to research it. But I am going with my “gut instinct” and say that 99% of all successful men, have a strong woman…

Lucky Charms

Lucky Charms April 18, 2020 Who doesn’t like Lucky Charms cereal? But there is a correct process to eat a bowl. I have been enjoying this “highly nutritious” breakfast delicacy since I was beating spoons and spilling milk in my…


#BestEasterEver April12, 2020 Easter! Bunnies, bright colored Easter eggs, shiny new shoes and new outfits. Egg hunts, marsh-mellow bunnies, large family dinners…oh yea, almost forgot…Jesus! Eas·ter /ˈēstər/ noun noun: Easter; plural noun: Easters the most important and oldest festival of…

Sharpen Your Axe

“Sharpen Your Axe” March 29, 2020 The current “Corona-Crisis” has most everyone filled with anxiety, confusion, anger and for many, severe depression.  How can we turn this seemingly endless barrage of negative news and dire personal and economic projections into…